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Products & Services

Alarm Systems

We can Repair your old system or install a new one

Commercial Vehicle Repairs

Repair on 24 Volt and over tow bars fitted. Also DPF Faults.

Vehicle Audio System

We can repair your old system, or upgrade for a new one. EG: Booster Boxes, Amps, Replace touch screens, Speakers.

Car Diagnostics

We can give you a diagnostic report for your vehicle with the faults code

Lost Vehicle Keys

Repair your old key or get new replacement key fully programmed key battery replacement

Starter Motors & Alternators

We also repair Starter Motors & Alternators

A/C Repair

Reprogram you AC or replace your AC Pump

ECU Repairs

Repair you old ECU or Reprogram a new one with latest diagnostic equipment

DPF Faults

We can sort out your DPF faults on all Vehicles.

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